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About cub scouts 


 Cub scouts are aged 8 - 10.5 years old 

 who meet on a Wednesday night at 6.45 - 8.15


 Cubs are the second section in the scouting family who belong to a cub   pack.  

What do cubs do ?

 As a cub you get the chance to learn new skills such as first aid , map   reading you get a chance to try a lot of different outdoor activities such as   archery, kayaking, climbing, camps, sleepovers. 

 Their programme offers a variety of activities from fitness, global and         beliefs;whilst allowing them to be creative and get involved in their   local communities. Cubs are introduced to exciting outdoor skills and take     part in adventurous activities,as well as camps and residential experiences.


Moving on 

All sections have an upper age limit which allows our youth members to progress to the next section.

What happens when my child move on to the next section?

When its time to Move On, you will be contacted informing you that your child will be moving on. This happens twice per year, normally at the start of each session. parents/guardians will be welcome to join in the ceremony. 

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